Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 102/365 (October 27, 2014)

It was a self imposed busy day. After i left work (later than I meant to) i headed to the gym for a tiny bit, then Trader Joe's and came home and spent the rest of the night baking/doing dishes, dying a t-shirt and making a goodbye card for Kyle Dean.

Baking is something that helps me work through sadness and is very calming and i went off the deepend... I also ate WAY MORE than i should have, sugar overload is an understatement! I made pumpkin snickerdoodle cookies with white chocolate chips and pumpkin oatmeal cookies with dried cranberries and white chocolate chips. both were so moist and tasty! I also made pumpkin flavored marshmallows for an idea i had and they needed to sit out overnight. I made a bunch of dishes through this process so there was that too. Ally asked if I could dye her shirt to be the Pippin color for her Halloween costume since she didn't have a place to do it at school... I squeezed that in and everything said that the color it looks like when it first comes out will be darker when than when it has had time to set and be washed... thankfully that was true because I was freaked when I saw how dark it looked! it was pretty but the perfectionist in me was like I messed up. Then I made a goodbye card for Kyle Dean... My artistic skills are lacking but i thought making my card light purple with red and gold glitter was clever since there is a song lyric that says "crimson, gold, and lavender"

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