Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 97/365 (October 22, 2014)

I woke up to Fred cuddled on my shoulder/head and Charlie on my feet. It was a very cold and rainy day! I finally reached a point where I decided it is time to start trying to sell my baked goods. I need a name! I put the word out to Marty T and Ellyn and both have already helped a bunch! I have my first official order and also got a whole bunch of ideas. I am a little excited/nervous at the thought of it, but I know I need to come up with a more formalized plan to actually be able to promote myself.

After work I headed to the gym and then went down to the cake store and michael's. I am helping someone with their Halloween costume so I went with her to go pick up fabric dye and a t-shirt... fingers crossed I am successful! While I was out I was in Old Navy in Chelsea and on the escalator I thought about "just kidding" as I usually do on escalators and to my complete surprise i looked up and in lights it said "Just Kidding" i have no idea why but I died of laughter. I couldn't get the picture to take quick enough as I went up so sorry about cutting off the G! Walked around a bunch despite the yucky weather and then I went home. I was quite productive! I did a whole bunch of laundry, reorganized my up high storage and brought stuff down i will be needing shortly, changed the boys' litter boxes, dishes, and began packing for my quick trip to MA. Now tomorrow I will only have to organize a few more things.

I am calling it an early night since I am rushing Pippin tomorrow!

PS the cake store had sparklers for cakes.... I WANT!

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