Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 253/365 (March 27, 2015)

I woke up feeling a bit better in the outlook department so I hope I can make that last. I had my Jenny appointment which yielded better news than I was expecting considering my eating habits this week, but still not great! I think I have the mindset to try and get back on track and I think I am going to adjust my new goal to something else I feel is more attainable. My appointments are so frustrating because my consultant (whom i love) is the manager there so she is the one always answering the calls and buzzing people in if the other consultant working has an appointment so mine take forever and since I was feeling blah from the night before where my friend was paying more attention tot heir phone than me it was frustrating me but she explained that would happen way back when we first started so I can;t be mad.

Eventually I finally made my way into the office where I had way more work to do than I thought so I was stuck there for quite some time!

I went to drop off DVDs to be mailed to Lympus and the office building had some pretty cool artwork/colors I enjoyed. I also found it funny that the marquis theater was advertising tickets for a show at another theater. It is because before If/Then closed they were selling Hamilton tickets but still!

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