Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 301/365 (May 14, 2015)

After i headed home to relax a bit, then met up with Brandon to get my memory card back and took off in pursuit of new clothes. Always a daunting task for me. Let me tell you I found all these cute dresses in the Adam Levine line but couldn't get any of them because they don't account for the fact that girls might have larger than a B cup... I was crushed. I did find two dresses at Old Navy eventually, though I really only like one of them. Then I met up with Holly and Anna to help with Hedwig lotto. After I went to meet up with Andrey. After a run into Midtown Comics we went to the evil cookie place. I finally tried the corny cowboy (corn cookie with jalapeno and cheddar cheese and bacon) and let me tell you new favorite! Then I went home and after dinner I helped Sasha rip covers off of "playbills" for a project. Eventually i forced myself outside after 11 pm to go for a brief walk to hit the step goal for the day, and then BED!

I also copied Lola's book and bound a printed copy of it.

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