Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 314/365 (May 27, 2015)

After work i headed home and then Met up with Dom for Broadway Bakes. This time it was Lena Hall and Rob McClure. I ended up chatting with Ally for a bit and lots of time with Laura, and I stayed until Kate Reinders and David Burtka were there. Rob is seriously such a sweet and generous person and really gets into the whole Broadway Bakes thing!

Eventually me and my flip flops went for a walk. I was walking downtown to meet up with someone but by the time i got to Madison Square Park they got canceled so I hobbled back home since that wasn't appropriate footwear and my foot was already in pain.

While at home the roomies and I watched 500 questions and were sad when Steve got the boot!

Fred sleeps all kinds of funny ways.

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