Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 312/365 (May 25, 2015)

I had a lay morning, and spent part of it looking out the window with Fred. Then I got my act together and met up with Sasha and Karen at The Running Store where I ended up buying very expensive new sneakers but I am giving the running thing a try and they made my feet feel unlike they have ever felt before! Special thank to the awesome Tom who helped me. Then I met up with Holly and Anna and we had a picnic in the park. It was lovely! Ran into Penski there, then we went to Columbus Circle and they did some shopping. Also I bought the tiniest popcorn at Whole Foods called Pipcorn, and it was rosemary flavored and so freaking good!

Then we walked to the evil cookie place for Broadway Bakes for Laura Osnes and Corey Cott.

Found Charlie sitting on/in his folded down tub, if it fits it sits!

I also baked some peanut butter cookies for a bribe fulfillment.

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