Friday, May 22, 2015

Day 308/365 (May 21, 2015)

I just want to cry and am miserable and lost. Getting through work was difficult. The roomies started talking about places to live and they brought up NEW JERSEY! and other deal breakers... basically there doesn't seem to be a place that exists in our price range that will meet our needs and that brings me back to so many conflicting things. what is the point?

I went to the gym after work and that didn't really help, then Burlington Coat Factory, and trader joes. Went home put stuff away, then went to the evil cookie place, i am on a downward spiral again. is there even a point to Jenny right now? All i am doing is letting myself down but cant seem to stop. I should just give up and admit defeat. I am no longer strong.

In other news Fred and Charlie were not fans of when Ben David started playing the guitar. They were like what is going on and were on high alert.

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