Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 42/365 (August 28. 2014)

Time Warner caused so much grief for me today and it made the work day really bad. The internet was down all over but that was the final straw that broke our router's back and it just stopped working. I was on the hone for hours with TWC and finally was able to go exchange the router for one that actually worked. Once i brought it back our IT guy installed it, he sent an email out to all saying we were back up and thanked me... well my boss responded back with a thank you to him and capitalized his name, basically saying that he did all the work and I had nothing to do with it, and even my other coworkers noticed it. I can normally let things like this roll off me but something about this just really unrattled me and it hurt my feelings pretty bad. It still stings thinking about it. I ended up going on a crazy baking spree to make myself feel better which was good and bad. So tasty but i ate way too many of the confetti sugar cookies and mimosa truffles I made.Here is Fred doing his best at looking dejected.

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