Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 64/365 (September 19, 2014)

This was a LONG day but filled with many good things. I got up way early and walked to Trader Joe's by 8:30 am. ALong the way I passed so many cute little kids excited on the way to school with their backpacks bigger than them... heart melted! Then I had my Jenny Craig appointment then headed back home.

I eventually headed out to work for a bit then I came home and ate lunch (since I forgot to bring it with me). I headed to training where my butt was kicked then it was home to eat and clean up before heading to Marty and Marissa's movie night at NWS to watch Dreamgirls. I don't go nearly as often as I would like. It is fun to watch the movies edited down with their commentary with other people. Then I headed to Iron Bar for Janet Krupin's Trillium performance. It was lovely and I ran into quite a few people I knew (after a while) but man oh man it was so loud it had to be causing hearing damage. unhealthy! I had to sit for a while with my fingers in my ears (i did fall asleep for a touch) just to not feel like my eardrums would explode. Her show didn't start until after 1 am (though it said 11) so it was such a late late night but it was worth it. It was super fun and I am glad I got to go to it since I missed the EP release. She also had Ariana DeBose and Chris Rice dancing as part of her set in this interesting crowd involvement kind of way. It was almost like performance art and fun.

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