Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 69/365 (September 24, 2014)

Last night I fell asleep before midnight which was very unusual and much needed, since tonight will be a late evening go to see Then She Fell... It is done by the same people who put on Sleep No More except this is an Alice in Wonderland theme. We are going for Karen's birthday activity... I really hope I like it but I have zero desire to see it... actually less than zero desire. I hated Sleep No More with a fiery passion and would rather have not spent so much money on a ticket to this but it is for her birthday so I will go and am hoping to be pleasantly surprised. This theme is better than Macbeth and there are less people allowed in so maybe it will be a better experience.

Had a sucky end to my work day which made my efforts at the gym useless. I tried to work through hoping it would boost my spirits, but sadly it did not so I went home and baked a storm. I made warm apple pie bread and "brookies" which are half chocolate chip cookie/half brownie. Sadly the brownie part of it did not turn out as well as I would like. It doesn't taste bad, it just has no taste in my opinion, but I wold make them again with improvements to the brownie half. I also have no idea how the bread turned out because you can't give someone a partially eaten loaf of bread, so I will await feedback from whomever I give it to! It was pretty easy to make, and I hope it tastes as great as it smelled!

Then She Fell... eh. I mean it was more enjoyable than Sleep No More but honestly I didn't like it. I just don't get the concept of immersive theatre like that and I hate being separated from my friends and not allowed to talk while no one else is talking either. Some of the elements were fun but most just dragged on and on doing the same thing.

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