Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 65/365 (September 20, 2014)

Another super LONG day, but super great day! It was an early wake up and then Sasha, Karen and I went to pick up Lola for a day of suburbia. We headed to the pick your own veggies and fruit farm. Lola had a grand time helping us pick apples/veggies. There was a "little village" made up of little versions of typical town buildings like the post office, fire station, school, church, etc... She had so much fun running from place to place and making friends with any other little kid. Then we headed to a Michael's and then to Sasha's mom's house to see Pip and her brother's cat Aticus. Poor guy was shaved recently and didn't look too happy about it. It was good to see Pip... i miss that "little" guy!

Then we headed out to another Michael's and Target for some final shopping before heading back home. We hit some traffic so it took a really long time and we didn't get back until after 7. Then I had just a bit of time to eat and shower before heading out again!

It was a concert by Actor Friend at 54 below and it was so good/funny!. It started just about 11 and didn't end until after 1 am! everyone had something they were talking about before their song so we heard all kinds of funny stories from the various performers. Kyle Dean was one of them and he spoke abut his disastrous college auditions and tried to recreate that for his performance. That meant he sung Corner of the Sky but it was probably the funniest I have ever seen him. Ellyn was also one of the people and spoke about her time working at Ellen's Stardust Diner.... she is so freaking funny it hurts to laugh.

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