Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 48/365 (September 3, 2014)

I don't know what it is but I haven't been able to bring myself to the gym or my Glee dance class lately. That dance class is my favorite thing to do every week and the last MONTH I just can't bring myself to go, like really what is up with that? I also haven't gotten to the gym which a year ago would be par for the course, but these days I am usually very good about it. I am just in a funk and don't feel like doing much of anything, so when I left work at 2:30 I just went home. Matthew ended up coming over for a bit so it was nice to check in with him, and I made some zucchini for dinner (among other things). One of which was experimenting with using cauliflower to make "tater tots". I sort of did my own thing with them and they came out pretty tasty and puffed up which was fun, I dipped them in buffalo sauce.

Charlie conquered me per usual and then attacked poor Fred.

After watching Big Brother with Sasha and Karen I just worked on getting ready for bed and fell asleep pretty early for me.

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