Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 145/365 (December 9, 2014)

They finally finished doing work in our apartment!

the skies had opened up and was raining like crazy... not sure how we didn't flood. I got to go to Gypsy of the Year which was super fun thanks to Ellyn. Hugh Jackman in person is quite lovely. Pippin was great and Michael C. Hall and Lena Hall were hilarious trying to do acrobat stuff a la Pippin. Kinky Boots were wonderful and everyone was all about Hugh at the end and he was a terrific sport!

Then it was off to my night at 54 Below. First I saw Laura Osnes who is basically perfect and did an amazing show, including singing There's a fine, fine line form Avenue Q complete with the Kate Monster puppet! Then it was time for The Spidey Boys show that I was filming. It was a really great show and I got an awesome spot to film from! Then we all went to Alfie's after and I made some new friends that I ended up going to Flaming Saddles with after and they don't allow woo-hooing haha. I even ran into someone I knew from NWS there

It was also weird to see Kate Monster just cholling on a box when I went up to the dressing rooms.

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