Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 270/365 (April 13, 2015)

I went to work, then headed home for a little bit before heading out to see a reading of a play called Our Class. I was going originally because Hunter Parrish was supposed to be in it, but he had to cancel sometime last week. Since I already had a ticket I figured I would go any way. It was at the Skirball Center so I decided to walk downtown and enjoy the lovely day. Only when I got there I realized something was off so I checked the email with info again. How many times did I look at this email and skip over the address and the full name of the place? Moron... i am a moron! At 6:34 for a 7 pm start I realized it was at the Temple Eman-uel Skirball Center which is on 66th between 5th and Madison... I was not only in the wrong place but the wrong end of town! I quickly looked up how to get there and set off. I had to do some running but I got there by 7:05 and luckily (or so I thought) it hadn't started yet.

I should not have gone... it was longer than they said it would be, and although the concept was fascinating it just was too much. I actually started texting during it because I was off to the side and the people that had been around me didn't come back after intermission... curse my OCD! They also did a Q & A with the playwright unexpectedly before it began and the guy could only speak Polish SO there was a translator which made it take a really long time

When it was finally over I fled... and heard a group of older people talking about it and had the same thoughts as me. I popped into a Subway for some food because I was starving then home I went!

On the ride home I noticed that NYU Langone had some fabulous ads... I didn't take pictures of all of them, but brilliant... especially the Long jump which is so me!

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