Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Day 282/365 (April 25, 2015)

Got up and Sasha and I headed to Pick up Pip because she wanted to take him on some errands. Then we went to Michael's and Wal-Mart and Trader Joes, Then dropped off some Playbill Flowers for an order she had. Pip was a very good car buddy and did very well in the stores.

Then we went back home... so much traffic. Sasha let Pip come inside for a tiny bit and Charlie wanted nothing to do with him, his tail swelled. At first Fred and Pip sniffed each other and then Fred hid under my bed until he was gone... then Sasha took Pip to pick up Ben David and I unpacked everything. Thankfully thanks to my smarts our frozen stuff stayed frozen despite being out of cold for over 2 hours!

I finally made pizza crust out of cauliflower and then Sasha and I went for a run. It turned out very well... I was impressed!

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